Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Well

So Sunday I went to church without Eric, as he was so tired from working so much last week!  I was blessed to enjoy such a beautiful time!  Dave & Liz (who will be missed so much) played Daughters of Jerusalem during communion.  That is the song Eric & I danced to at our wedding.

I also got to hold Brighton, Susannah and Ryan's little one!  He was so cute in his little turtle shirt!  He fell asleep in my arms.  I think it shocked him when he woke up and had to figure out who the strange lady was holding him!  :)  Fun fun!


  1. And we were glad that you were there! (And, we missed Eric.)

    Dave and Liz are going to play 2 songs with me at Southpark this Sunday. Two oldie-but-goodies (Here I Am to Worship and All Who are Thirsty). It will be my last time to play and sing with them for quite some time.

    Sorry I'm bailing on lunch today. People keep laughing at my voice. Maybe with Tracie and the boys out of town I'll follow through with a "silent retreat" of sorts.

  2. How sweet! He's a cutie

  3. yay--my cutie boy! i'm so glad you could help out ryan in that way!
