Monday, December 14, 2009

An Angel

Wow. Sometimes when you least expect it you get these really great signs. I had a really nice weekend, and yesterday morning, when I went to church, I was feeling a little stressed. I have been praying about something for a really long time and it just keeps coming back up as a challenge. I felt pretty frustrated when I walked in.

All of the sudden, I saw someone I recognized. Almost two years ago, I went to the coffeehouse one night and Eric and I met a guy that was seriously struggling with a drug problem. He had nowhere to go, and was staying at The Well for a few days while he was trying to kick his habit. He was very very thin and hungry. I didn't have much money, but I had a $20 and asked him what he wanted to eat. He wanted a pizza, so I bought it for him and listened to him talk about his life and how he'd messed up and lost his daughter and how he really wanted to get clean. He said his name was Angel.

Several times since then, I have wondered about him and how he is doing. It always makes me think when I help someone, even a little, with a meal or jacket, if it makes a difference. Yesterday, I found out it had. I almost didn't recognize him because he was healthy. He had gained weight, and was with his family at church. It took me a little while to remember it was the same person. He had purchased a guitar to help him with stress & was doing so much better.

After that I was with the kids in the nursery, which always makes me feel great. They are so cute!! When I came back in, they were playing the song Eric & I danced to at our wedding, Daughters of Jerusalem. It futher strengthened my determination to hold on, don't give up, keep praying about it. It will come in God's time when He is ready.

May peace be with you this week and all through the holiday season!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Long time no blog!

Hi friends & family!

I haven't blogged in a while and just wanted to do a quick update. All is well here and I am hoping to see as many of you as possible during the holiday season. I love looking around and seeing that some lights are already up. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (as my Nana always says!). This is a picture from Saturday when we went to visit Eric's good friend Joe, his wife Heather, and their 7 month old baby, Joseph. We had a great time. Eric picked up an acoustic guitar for the first time in a while, and after hearing him play it, I, of course, believe he should own one. I got to bang around on the drums, too and loved it. I think our next house will have to have a rock studio!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Marshall Family Reunion

These pictures were taken at the Marshall family reunion on September 6th in Virginia. Below is Eric's cousin Burnett & Dolly, with Joan.

Eric & I won the prize for the newest married Marshalls, a photo album with a rooster on the front.

We were able to picnic outside with Laura, Scot, and Ryder!

Aunt Tori & Unkie E love Ryder & Laura

Can you see the resemblance?

It was a fun day..can't wait to do it again next year. We went to the local jockey lot and racked up on some great deals, including a pair of swarovski crystal earrings from a local artist!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Doodle keeps losing weight, thankfully! He is down to 14 pounds and dropping! I feed him a half cup of Merrick's Wildnerness blend and some fruits & veggies. Since Chihuahuas originated in Mexico, they used to eat fruits and rodents for meals. I skip the rodents, but they love fruits. All but grapes and raisins. I think avacado is Jasmine's favorite. It is easy because Eric & I eat a lot of fruits & veggies so I give them a little of my leftovers. This is truly a miracle doggie. He was so heavy he couldn't walk and had thyroid disease. I take him to a vet in Kings Mountain, NC that is a holistic vet. He was a missionary in Colombia, South America for 20 years and has taught me so much about how to take care of my dogs. Doodle is a happy boy and he really tries to sing like Jasmine, but sounds more like a frog!!
Here's the princess Jasmine, looking pretty & perfect as usual. She likes to bite Doodle if I talk to him or pet him too much!

Here's a really cool thing! I told my good friend Chris (who is a great artist) that my favorite monkey was a Lion Faced Tamarin. He painted me a picture for my birthday! How sweet!

This was my birthday dinner with my good friend Catherine, Chris, and Eric. Catherine took us all to Nakato in Pineville and it was so good! She gave me the coolest card! Good friends like these are hard to find and I am so thankful for mine!
-Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Better late than never!  I piled into a beach house with Eric's family, there were 7 adults, 1 infant, 5 puppies, and 7 dogs!! And we survived and I still liked them afterwards.  Isn't that a miracle?? :)  I think after that weekend, I realized that we absolutely need more fun vacations with my sister in law and brother in law!  It was lots & lots of fun.  I am ready to go again!!!


I was so excited to have a great weekend.  Friday night a band came and played at The Well & Eric helped me to serve coffee at the coffeeshop.  It was a lot of fun and the best part was that Greg & Melynda Burge came with Melynda's cousin.  They took the time to come see us and to come to church with us on Sunday.  They are missionaries in the Dominican Republic and Greg and I used to work together at Land Rover.  It was so great to see my friends again!! Now I need donations to travel to help them!!  I am collecting pennies at this point in time!  :) Love!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh Praise Him!!!! Eric's new job

What a blessing!

Yesterday we got some incredible news! Eric has found a job that he will love! It is a clean, smoke-free enviroment, with a caring, intelligent employer, a shorter commute, and a nice salary too! We are so thrilled and have been praying for this. He's spending the day detailing a boat. How fun! If you need your car detailed, here's his new work website.

This has been a long time coming and Eric is so excited to get to go to school at night and work at a shop he really likes. They are going to teach him to do all kinds of auto repair as well. Sounds like fun to me. So congrats to the Turtle!!!

Thanks, God!!!!

And if you need your car detailed, here's his new work website.